soulful professional development for schools and educators
Writing for Social/Emotional Literacy
and Self-Development:
An experiential workshop for educators
Writing is a contemplative, creative, life-saving art enhancing both literacy and human development. As a positive behavioral intervention strategy, writing builds emotional intelligence, empathy, and resilience while mitigating the effects of stress, depression, and anxiety. It cultivates self-knowledge, esteem, and responsibility by allowing a space to reflect and to understand ourselves in the context of the world around us.
Educators will be introduced to writing for social/emotional literacy (SEL) and self-development to use as a powerful literacy practice in their classrooms, as well as for personal and professional self-reflection.
Filling the Well:
A rejuvenating and inspiring workshop for educators
We teachers are drawn to our profession by an inner calling. We teach for the love of it and aspire to have a positive, rippling impact on our society and world. However, because we give great love and energy to our students, we are at risk of allowing our own wells to run dry.
Writing is a powerful way to re-invigorate our lives and teaching.
Educators will leave this workshop with a powerful tool for personal and professional inspiration, creative visualization, and as one way to fill their wells and practice reflective living and teaching.